
1.000 MBit for everyone !!

Due to the consistent expansion of our backbone capacities to 170 gigabits and a further expansion of our infrastructure in the root server area, we can now provide almost all root server customers with a 1.000 MBit connection to our backbone!

We can offer you this new, high-performance service at an introductory price of only € 9,99 per month, the regular price for this extension is € 19,99. The offer is limited until June 30.06.2011, XNUMX and is aimed at all of our root server customers.

In addition to connecting the server 10 times as fast, the traffic limit automatically increases, up to a reduction in bandwidth from 2.000 GB per month to an incredible 5.000 GB per month.

The new feature can now be ordered in our customer interface.

We hope that you like the new feature and we will keep you up to date on further innovations that will be available soon!


Best regards!
The blog team

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  • Reply Flo's 23. May 2011 at 21: 23

    Does the promotional price apply for the entire term and also for newly ordered servers?

    • Reply Christoph 23. May 2011 at 21: 37

      Hi Flo,

      the promotional price is then valid for the entire term of the contract and also for newly ordered servers!


  • Reply Danny 25. May 2011 at 12: 52

    Nice exactly for a server like the Enterprise L I have been waiting for because of the traffic and memory !!

    Just keep it up.

  • Reply Unique 27. May 2011 at 21: 27

    Really nice your offer, now you could find out how long it takes until the connection is ACTIVE?

    good work 🙂

  • Reply Steve 28. May 2011 at 17: 39

    YES I very much welcome this offer. Especially with a price advantage.

    As the previous speaker asked, how long does the change take?

    N1ce job 😉

    • Reply Christoph 29. May 2011 at 03: 03

      Hi steve,

      the change will take effect approx. 30 minutes after the order has been placed. If this is not the case with you, please contact our technical support once.


  • Reply Ingo21 2. June 2011 at 01: 45

    The changeover took me a day, but with the order quantities, I now assume that this is acceptable.

  • Reply Buchegger 3. July 2011 at 11: 12

    Is the promotion still valid because otherwise I would also buy a Sever

    • Reply Christoph 3. July 2011 at 22: 18

      The promotion is still valid. You can still order this for 9,99 euros a month for your root server.

  • Reply poet 6. November 2012 at 02: 04

    a question when you have ordered, when do you get the email for the data or something like that at cloud sever and how it works, thanks

    • Reply Christoph 6. November 2012 at 07: 52

      Hallo Ozan,

      yes, you will receive the access data from us by email.


  • Reply poet 6. November 2012 at 22: 48

    yes but cih haven't got any email yet. everything is also paid? why didn't I get any

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