Central customer management

New design for central customer management (ZKM) from webtropia.com Online

Finally the time has come! After months of work on our central customer management, we are happy to announce that the relaunch has taken place!

From now on you can find our central customer management at zkm.webtropia.com in our new "look and feel". In addition to visual changes, we have also revised the entire navigation and structure. Our goal was to provide you with a clearly clearer customer management system and to make your work with it easier. We have put together some impressions for you here:

In the next few days, we will also revise the news section of our central customer management, so you will be able to find our blog messages here using the news function in our central customer management.

We hope that you will find it easier to work with our new customer management system, we would appreciate your feedback here!

Your blog team from webtropia.com

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  • Reply Felix 11. June 2012 at 19: 10

    The interface welcomes you with a request to change the password and explicitly recommends the use of special characters - these were, however, always acknowledged with "invalid input" in my tests. Assigning a secure password does not seem possible.

    • Reply Christoph 11. June 2012 at 19: 13

      Hi Felix,

      Thank you for your feedback!

      We have passed the bug on to our development team, we expect the problem to be fixed in the next 24 hours.


  • Reply Denis 11. June 2012 at 19: 35


    great work, you did really well.
    I can not say more about that.

    Ps. I was not greeted with the request for a new car.

  • Reply David Karich 11. June 2012 at 20: 55


    at first glance, it is a smart solution. A uniform CD for the appropriate Webtropia page. I like it. However, there is a huge display error under "Personal data". Huge heels between the individual blocks. That runs through to the bottom. See the screenshot (http://i48.tinypic.com/30huf0o.png). Browser Chrome, WIN 7.

    • Reply Christoph 11. June 2012 at 23: 33

      Hi David,

      thanks for the feedback!

      We will correct the display error immediately.


  • Reply David Karich 11. June 2012 at 21: 03

    And on closer inspection, now when used for "longer" periods, the light gray buttons with white lettering are not at all pleasant on the eyes.

    • Reply Christoph 11. June 2012 at 23: 32

      We will observe this once and wait for the response from other customers, if necessary we will of course improve it again.

  • Reply hmurauer 11. June 2012 at 21: 52


    With the vServer -> Backup the system tells me that I have no more free space and that no backups can be made. But it's Quatch. Otherwise TipTop.

    H. Murauer

    • Reply Christoph 11. June 2012 at 23: 32

      Hello Mr. Murauer,

      please open a ticket briefly regarding the ad, then the colleagues can fix the problem directly. Thank you!

      Best regards!

  • Reply Steven A 12. June 2012 at 03: 28

    I really like the new ZKM! Keep it up ! Great job.

  • Reply Pascal 12. June 2012 at 16: 08


    wenn ich auf
    I'm trying to log in, nothing happens at all? If I intentionally enter the data incorrectly, I will get a response. With correct data, nothing happens ...

    Please reply by email 😉

  • Reply Pascal 12. June 2012 at 16: 10

    // Addendum:
    Always this browser. I have now deleted the cache several times and then it worked. If he deleted it once, he simply didn't want to do anything. Looks good 🙂

    • Reply Christoph 12. June 2012 at 17: 20

      Hello Pascal,

      thanks for the information!


  • Reply Gunnar 12. June 2012 at 21: 11


    Unfortunately, I can't give any feedback, after logging in, only a blank white page appears.
    Deleting the cache was also unsuccessful, I hope you can help me as soon as possible.


  • Reply Gunnar 12. June 2012 at 21: 40

    Mail is out.


  • Reply Gunnar 12. June 2012 at 22: 08


    unfortunately it still does not work (despite the new password).
    I have now tried 3 different browsers and the problem exists on both the laptop and the PC.


  • Reply Felix 15. June 2012 at 16: 21

    I also noticed the following sentence on the monitoring page: "This is not the case in the standard configuration we made."

    * cough * standard * cough *

    • Reply Christoph 15. June 2012 at 17: 46

      Hi Felix,

      Thanks for the hint!

      We will correct the error immediately.


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