We are happy to announce that Parallels has released Plesk 11. You can now have this installed using our automatic installation system.
If you already have an older version of Plesk, you can have it updated automatically via Tools & Settings => Update and Upgrade Settings. Simply activate the point: Upgrade to a new stable version of Panel when it becomes available.
If for any reason this does not lead to the desired update, you can also call it up manually.
Under Linux, please log in to your server as user "root" via ssh and run the following program:
/ usr / local / psa / admin / sbin / autoinstaller.
Under Windows you have to install the Plesk Autoinstaller from the side parallels.com download and run it.
As with all major changes, this update can also cause problems. In any case, we recommend performing a backup of the existing data before the update
As always, the changes in Plesk 11 are extensive. In addition to support for nginx 1.3 for linux and PHP 5.3.10 and the integration of WebMatrix for Windows, work was mainly focused on security.
Plesk 11 executes backup jobs faster and now offers the possibility to protect the archives created with a password. Some tools have also been developed that make the migration of virtual servers with Plesk much easier.
* UPDATE from June 22.06.2012nd, XNUMX *
We have now received the definitive statement from Parallels that the final version of Plesk 11 will be available on 26.06.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX. As soon as this is available we will inform you here and release it for installation with us.
The version that was briefly published as the final was withdrawn by Parallels. Only a preliminary RTM version has now been published:
Parallels has released the Release to Manufacturing pre-release version of Plesk 11. Even if this version can be installed using the update function of Plesk, parallel points out that this is a preliminary version that is not yet intended for productive use. If you still want to try this version, which is naturally very close to the final version, you can use the Plesk Installer. On Linux this can be found under: / usr / local / psa / admin / sbin / autoinstaller On Windows, the Plesk autoinstaller must be downloaded from Parallels.com and run.
Best regards and have a nice weekend!
Your blog team from webtropia.com
I have a license from the competition for version 10.4.4, this key also works in Plesk 11. If you have to ask yourself whether the keys can be upgraded. I mean it doesn't work with EVERY key !!!!!! - You can try it -
With our keys the upgrade will definitely be possible. Should there be any problems, please contact our support. Thank you!
Parallels Plesk Panel 11.0.9 (pre-release) is still beta. (pre-release)
According to the http://www.parallels.com/de/download/plesk/11/ also beta.
Hello Klaus,
Apparently Plesk withdrew the final release from this morning. We'll be in touch with Parallels in this regard and will keep you informed.
Is Plesk now Plesk release or still beta?
How about a new installation, which Plesk will be installed?
Hello Klaus,
the currently available Plesk version is not yet final. We therefore do not recommend using them. As soon as a final version is available, it would automatically be used for a new installation. This is currently not the case.
the 26th is long over, the final release is still not there - what's going on?
Hello Florian,
Plesk 11 has now been launched. We wish you a lot of fun with the new Plesk!
Hello Christoph,
Parallels hasn't released the final version yet, has it?
is that for you only the preview?
Hello Christoph,
Parallels hasn't released the final version yet, has it?
is that for you only the preview?
Hello Flo!
The final version of Plesk 11 was released on June 28.06.2012, XNUMX.
I do not think so: http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP11/11.0/release-notes/de-DE/parallels-plesk-panel-11.0-for-linux-based-os.html
"We do not provide support for upgrading Panel 11.0 preview builds."
Hi Flo,
the version of Parallels PLesk 11 is now final. The comments refer to the previous preview versions that they cannot be upgraded to the final version. We only offered the final version anyway, so we don't have the problem.