Admin tools, Root server, Virtual server cloud

Information on the availability of Plesk 11.5

Since we have been asked many questions regarding Plesk 11.5 in the last few days, we would like to explain our approach to you here. It is true that Plesk 11.5 is generally available and that this version is shown as the most current version within the Plesk installer. What is not true is that this version is classified as stable by Parallels. This can best be understood by comparing it with the Debian Release Policy. The general availability of Plesk is to be understood here with the freeze phase within the testing release at Debian. The system is done and working and no more major changes are made. However, the system can still contain errors.

Since we only want to offer you reliable systems for your projects at, we have decided not to offer Plesk 11.5 via our automatic installation routine during this phase. As soon as Parallels classifies Plesk 11.5 as stable, we will of course inform you of this and make it available via our installation systems as soon as possible.

If you don't want to wait that long, you can of course upgrade from the current version 11.0. In the current phase, however, this is usually only possible via the autoinstaller, which can be found under Linux in the directory / opt / psa / admin / sbin / autoinstaller or / usr / local / psa / admin / sbin / autoinstaller. Under Windows you can start this by calling the command:% plesk_dir% \ admin \ bin \ ai.exe from a command prompt.

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