Admin tools, Root server, Virtual server cloud

Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5 is now available for all virtual and dedicated servers

Parallels recently released the stable version 11.5 of the Plesk admin tool. We have now adapted our installations for you and are now offering the Plesk Panel 11.5 on our dedicated as well as on our virtual servers in the vServer Cloud.

Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5 gives you everything you need to host your websites and web applications. Plesk is the ideal solution for shared web hosts, web designers, IT specialists, small businesses and private individuals who want to manage email services and hosting conveniently and easily. You can find all the features of the latest PLESK version here.


For the introduction of Plesk 11.5 we would like to make you a special offer - you will receive an extensive additional package at a special price:

  • Full Plesk Package for Virtual Server / only 4,99 € (monthly)
  • Full Plesk Package for Dedicated Servers / only 9,99 € (monthly)

In this package, which is available exclusively from us, almost all Plesk add-ons including a Plesk 11.5 unlimited license to disposal. The regular price for these services would be over € 100,00 per month, which results in a Price savings of more than € 90,00 per month for you as our customers. Existing customers can order the new package directly in the central customer management at be made. You can find more information about the content of the Full Plesk Package on under the point Software.

Should you have any questions or problems with the new PLESK Panel 11.5, please do not hesitate to contact us here or at to disposal!

With kind regards,
Your blog team from


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  • Reply H. Murauer 6. August 2013 at 18: 46

    Hmm .. the screenshot says 11.0.9 as the version !!

    • Reply Maximilian 6. August 2013 at 20: 03

      Hello H.Murauer,

      we will add screenshots of the current PLESK version. Thank you for your attention and have a nice evening. Greetings Maximilian

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