Admin tools, General, Root server

New tools at Plesk 11.5 & Tekbase

After a few delays, we are happy to finally announce the availability of Debian 7.0 with Plesk and Debian 7.0 with Tekbase via our automatic installation system.

As we already told you in our previous blog post, Parallels recently released the stable version 11.5 of the Plesk admin tool. We have now adapted our installations for you and are now also offering Debian 7.0 with Plesk.

Parallels Plesk Panel 11.5 gives you everything you need to host your websites and web applications. Plesk is the ideal solution for shared web hosts, web designers, IT specialists, small businesses and private individuals who want to manage email services and hosting conveniently and easily. You can find all the features of the latest PLESK version here:

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In contrast to Plesk, Tekbase offers a complete package for game, stream and voice servers. The web server administration including the online shop was not forgotten at Tekbase. It is also possible to integrate an automatic billing and dunning system as a module. Thanks to the clear structure of this admin tool, all modules can be easily combined, expanded and managed via a single admin area at any time.

The flexible expandability of Tekbase makes this administration tool the ideal tool for clubs, clans or internet radios, but also interested private users can realize their ideas here quickly and easily from the website to the game server with Teamspeak.

You can find more information about Tekbase here:

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The Webtropia team wishes you a lot of fun with the new tools.

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