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Exim vulnerability

Dear blog readers,

our partner cPanel has informed us about an exploit that could also threaten your server with cPanel. We would like to forward the information to you and ask you to carry out the necessary update if necessary.

We are happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Your team from

Here is the extract:

We'd like to provide you with information about an Exim exploit that NIST reported today:

This Exim exploit could affect all servers running cPanel and WHM versions below our latest LTS version, which is v78.0.27 as of this e-mail. Please see the link above for more information on this Exim vulnerability.

We recommend that you update all servers running cPanel & WHM v78.0.27 immediately to ensure that you have received the latest system updates. To manually update your server, please use the WebHost Manager interface immediately:

WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Upgrade to the latest version

If you have any issues with the updates, please contact the cPanel technical support analysts:

You can use the link below to find out more about the Exim exploit and how you can protect yourself in a blog post on the cPanel website:

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