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The new Plesk Obsidian

With the new autumn breeze, Plesk makes us happy with a new version update. The predecessor Plesk Onyx is being replaced by Obsidian. This update brings some changes and we would like to bring them closer to you in today's blog post. First of all, what is Plesk? Plesk is administration software for servers with which you can control and configure many applications and processes. A concrete example would be setting up a mail server with which you have a better overview of your email users and incoming and outgoing messages. In addition, you can also install certain filters to block emails from certain senders and much more.

More robust and faster

Linux friends among you will sit up and take notice, because Plesk Obsidian deals with a particularly nasty bug. On the following systems: CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 and Debian 8/9 (and some more) Plesk services were not restarted after a crash. With Obsidian these restart automatically and you don't have to do it manually. In addition, the required backup space for individual data sets for remote storage has been reduced. This effectively gives you more storage space for your backups. NGINX users also have reason to be happy. The PageSpeed ​​module, responsible for optimizing the performance of websites, is precompiled by default. With this small additional feature, the loading and execution time of the module is reduced and thus the speed is increased. These were just some of the new system features, you can find out more about them here.

Everything on the screen with Grafana

With Obsidian, Plesk changes your monitoring system as well as the general design. Previously known under the name HealthMonitoring, Grafana is now used. This visualization tool can communicate with various databases as a source and present information clearly. With the integrated Java script “Flot” and the server-side rendering by Grafana, even scientific graphs can be displayed with ease. Of course, that's not all. You even have the option of adapting your entire dashboard and creating it according to the area of ​​application. Axis designs are usually an obstacle to the overview in diagrams, and Obsidian remedies this with an intelligent axis format. Always have the processes, resources and services of your dedicated or virtual server with Grafana on the screen!

Security ++

Looks really good so far, but what about security? Good question, next question. Joking aside: Plesk has also come up with something nice when it comes to security. One of the most popular security tools for Plesk are ModSecurity and fail2ban. With ModSec you can configure your IPtables for your firewall and thus protect your server from external influences such as DDoS, SQL injections etc. Fail2ban allows you to view the log files of your dedicated or virtual server and invalid or incorrect logins, via an IP entry, to banish. You can determine the rules yourself and set up suitable protection for your application. Now to the part that makes the whole thing round. Plesk has noticed that these two extensions are used on just about every Plesk infrastructure. Therefore, with Plesk Obsidian, both plug-ins are now available from the start installed and included. Secure your root server "out of the box" with the new Plesk version!

Would you like to learn more about our server with Plesk Obsidian? Are you interested in a dedicated server with Plesk Obsidian? Look here purely. No dedicated server? Root server and vServers we also have prepared! Among other things, you can find some suggestions for plug-ins here.

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