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webtropia.com becomes part of WIIT

Dear blog readers,

today we are giving you an update about an important change in our company. As many of you know is webtropia.com a brand of myLoc managed IT AG from Düsseldorf. The myLoc managed IT AG has been part of WIIT SpA., the Italian private cloud provider that focuses on the business-critical application of the cloud.

As a Düsseldorf server provider, we were previously a 100% subsidiary of virtual minds AG from Freiburg. For strategic reasons, we have now been sold to the Italian cloud provider based in Milan. Virtual minds AG, a ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE company, focuses on booking and placing advertisements with a comprehensive AdTech technology package. With the separation from the myLoc managed IT AG from the technology holding company, virtual minds AG realized two strategic goals: the stronger focus on its core competencies and the guarantee for myLocto continue its growth and success by joining WIIT's CLOUD4EUROPE project. This acquisition represents the first investment in a hosting and cloud provider outside of Italy for the listed WIIT SpA. In Italy, WIIT is the leading provider of private and hybrid cloud services for companies, with a special focus on business-critical application management and business continuity services . With the CLOUD4EUROPE project, WIIT aims to enter the European market together with myLoc expand and lay the groundwork for further growth in the cloud segment.

What does that mean for you guys?

Nothing changes for you. All of our business areas will be retained and new cloud services will be added. So you don't have to worry about your servers, as we will continue to be there for you as webtropia.com. Our teams will also be retained and will be at your side with advice and action, should something go wrong with your server. Our data center location in Düsseldorf will also be retained, i.e. we will be there for you as a webtropia.com team on site!

We hope that with this post we were able to give you a little insight into the positive change through our new parent company and look forward to working with you and our new colleagues from Italy.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just write an email - with your questions - to info@webtropia.com or use our conveniently Contact form.

Many greetings, your team at webtropia.com

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