Webtropia.com with a total bandwidth of 340 GBit / s. The server is connected via the company's own backbone myLoc managed IT AG. ...
1000 Mbit
After we introduced you to the new HP Professional 3.0 servers in January, two more new dedicated servers are now being launched. webtropia.com is now offering the Supermicro XEON E3 and ...
Despite the turn of the year, our network department was hardworking and ensured several capacities. Internal connections and routers are regularly provided with more capacity depending on the load. ...
Hello dear readers, At the start of the week there will be some news from us, because webtropia.com has a few innovations in the Economy Server series for you. Good to know: Behind the ...
Good morning everyone, Last week we reported on the online article from the specialist magazine Chip. Even the Internet magazine did not miss the opportunity to write an article about us this month ...
On Friday, August 05.08.2011th, 1.000, we will upgrade the last remaining network segment to our current standard and thus really be able to offer our XNUMX MBit option for every root server customer. All who ...
Due to the consistent expansion of our backbone capacities to 170 gigabits and a further expansion of our infrastructure in the root server area, we can now offer almost all root server customers a 1.000 MBit connection to ...