Our new redesigned root servers have been given a facelift that meets everyone's needs for an all-round root server. These servers impress with their strong performance features and high-quality server hardware. No matter what your ...
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new root server
The webtropia Root Server S in the network winner test! With 4,71 out of 5 possible points - passed with "Very Good"!
At the beginning of the new year there is already good news! We are pleased to announce that the Root Server S from our range in the Netzsieger.de individual test 4,71 out of 5 possible points ...
Finally the time has come!! We are happy to announce that our HP Enterprise 3.0 server series is now available! As the first dedicated root server provider in Germany, we can now ...
Done! After numerous sleepless nights and an unbelievable final spurt, we made it! Both our new website www.webtropia.com and our new Professional Dedicated Server from HP have been launched! Special thanks ...