We are happy to announce that Parallels has released Plesk 11. You can now have this installed using our automatic installation system. If you already have an older version of Plesk ...
Admin tools, Root server
Parallels has announced the release of Plesk 5.6.2012 for June 11th, 11. From this point onwards, Plesk 11 will also be installable via our automatic installation system. In addition to updates to the services offered, Plesk XNUMX brings ...
Since version 10.4 of the Plesk panel, you no longer have to book the Power Pack in order to use Spamassassin and the Application Pack. Since version 10.4 these are part of the ...
OpenSUSE 16.11.2011 was released on November 12.1, 2011. This time too, in addition to the mandatory updates, a number of new features have been added to the latest version. Information about these innovations can be found at http://news.opensuse.org/11/03/2/are-you-ready-for-rcXNUMX/. ...
General, Root server, Virtual server cloud
Virtualization made easy with root servers from webtropia.com!
As one of the first root server providers on the German market, we are now offering you an integrated virtualization solution for all current root server products. The main advantage of our product expansion is that ...
As of today Parallels Plesk Panel version 10.2 is available for our virtual servers and can be installed in combination with the following operating systems: CentOS 5.5 Debian Squeeze 6.0 openSuSE 11.3 Ubuntu 10.04 Windows…